Robert Ladislas Derr: Hitting a rock in the road

Life is a series of events - some involve twists and turns, ups and downs, and everything in between.

Noticing the skeleton of a bicycle locked to a rail on the side of a road in Frankfurt, Germany that I walked past for several days, resonated with me and seemed full of potential.

The potential existed in the semiotics of the object not only in its function, but also in its metaphorical ramifications. I decided to take the bicycle on a semiotic spin. Once on the bicycle, I began by pedaling to gain momentum. Gaining speed and momentum gave me confidence to push my comfort zone and perform various tricks such as surfing - in essence, enjoying the thrills of life.

Then out of nowhere, my ride was cut short by "hitting a rock in the road" that instantly threw me over the handlebars crashing to the sidewalk. Ironically, the next morning on my walk, the bicycle had vanished. Was this a collision with destiny?

Robert Ladislas Derr uses video, photography, performance, and installation as he puts himself literally in the center of a barrage of questions about life and making art.

[] back [] work in situ [] Robert Ladislas Derr is based in Columbus, Ohio, USA. [website]